







Album ref.: VKBA049-091
EP 6 titles - 22:53 mn, Available in MP3 – 320 Kb/s - OGG - FLAC - streaming formats

Dezertoj - Armel Amiot - Cherbourg (Normandy, France)

Coproduced by Armel Amiot / Vinilkosmo © 2024

Full EP - MP3 - 6 € bouton caddie rouge

Please note:  The complete album is also available in the following formats by clicking on the desired format:
OGG, FLAC or  Fair Trade Streaming (ABONKLUBO).
Go to the bottom of the page to download single mp3 tracks.

Release of the digital EP 6 titles on 24 may 2024


The desert, symbol of solitude and abandonment. We enter the desert as everything around us becomes depopulated, for lack of love, friendship, or self-confidence. We enter it, sometimes by surprise, sometimes of our own will, or even by a twist of fate.

The six songs on this EP Dezertoj come in twos, hand in hand. Like yin and yang, or the two sides of a coin, since chance accompanies and colors all our choices.

In this disc, we enter the desert through the gate of Nek viro nek virino. We believe that everything is fine, that everything is going well... and then, without understanding what is happening to us, we fall, we are no longer much. Neither man nor woman.

Fortunately, life is beautiful, even if we sometimes forget it. And isn’t friendship what can repair our wounds of love? So, let’s celebrate friendship with this short and joyful song, set to a New Orleans carnival tempo: Amikeco.

Soleca birdo. The bird, alone in the sky, is the image of our solitary soul. Even if it finally flies away happily, it is when contact is truly established that the heat wins over us, and our feet, the ones that pinned us to the ground, abandon themselves to a wild dance! Se vi apudas.

Farther and farther… Kosma spaco makes us experience the sidereal void of absence, and what could be better than the blues to tear space apart and make us want renewal, for a new Earth that could shelter us. Nova Tero.

And this short journey in songs ends (provisionally?) with this new Earth, on which humanity will perhaps live one day, a new garden of Eden.

Unless this new Earth is also only the symbol of a new love.

For this EP Dezertoj:
Author and composer: Armel Amiot

With :
- Armel Amiot: lead vocals and backing vocals, guitar, banjo, Hammond organ
- Marcin Majcherek: fretted and fretless bass
- Francesca Prattico: drums and percussion

-With the help of Liven Dek for proofreading and correcting texts in Esperanto.

- Recorded at Siva Studio by Armel Amiot at the beginning of April 2024, with the help of Floréal Martorell for the vocals in Esperanto

- Thanks to Denis Lainé for listening and the beautiful microphones!

- Mixed on April 23, 2024 by Vincent Bruley (Piccolo Studio, Paris).

- Mastering carried out on April 25, 2024 by Alexis Bardinet (Globe Audio Mastering, Bordeaux).

- EP cover design: Reno L. based on a photo by Vincent Cerda.

2- Dezertoj

6,00 €
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